PRME UK & Ireland Chapter Research Seed Funding Competition Winners 2018/2019
Announcement of winners
We are delighted to announce details of the winners of our first UK & Ireland Chapter Research Seed Funding Competition. The Chapter received 16 valid entries for the Seed Funding Competition from all across the membership. The judging panel reviewed all entries, and observed that the standard was in general very high, with a great diversity of approach and focus. Five awards were made, two to early-career researchers, as follows:
Aurore Bardey, University of the Arts of London. Topic: Fighting against counterfeit consumerism
Soheil Davari, University of Hertfordshire. Topic: Identifying and reducing inequalities in access to care and support for the elderly: A quantitative approach
Mikko Laamanen, University of London. Topic: Enabling Citizen Organising for Sustainable Transitions (ECOST)
Darren McGuire , University of Stirling. Topic: Exposing modern slavery policy-making to management theory
Lila Skountridaki, University of Stirling Management School . Topic: Integrating the SDGs in HEI degrees accredited by Professional Associations
We look forward very much to seeing how these projects develop throughout the year, and in particular to seeing the interim reports from the researchers at the 2019 Annual Conference. Thanks to all who entered, and who were involved in judging. It is very gratifying to see so much early-stage research addressing PRME and the SDGs.