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PRME UKI Conference and Colloquium 2023 - delegate bookings now open

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter




26-28 June 2023, Aston University, Birmingham

Registrations now open and first keynotes announced!

The UK and Ireland PRME Regional Chapter is delighted to invite all our members and other interested delegates to register and participate in our upcoming Annual Conference and/or Doctoral Colloquium, hosted by Aston Business School.

The conference is now open for registrations through the conference website. Tenth Anniversary Conference – 27 + 28 June This year’s 10th Anniversary conference theme is: Reflecting, refreshing and re-envisioning. The conference aims to provide multiple opportunities for critical reflection on the impact that the Chapter, and UN PRME more widely, have had in promoting and embedding responsible management education over the past decade. Beyond a reflection on the past and present, the conference also seeks to encourage debate on how to refresh and re-envision the work of PRME and RME more widely for the decade ahead. Further details of the intended tracks can be found on the conference website

This year our Annual Conference (27+28 June) offers a fully “on campus” experience and conference format. In addition, keynote speakers and some panels (but not paper and workshop sessions) will be livestreamed for participants who cannot attend the full conference.

Doctoral Colloquium – 26 June As in in the last two years, the Conference will be preceded by a Doctoral Colloquium aimed at supporting PhD students working to inform the knowledge base on the impact of the six principles of PRME and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This will also take place in person and participants in the Doctoral Colloquium can also enrol on the Conference, or attend the Colloquium only. Interested participants should use the conference’s registration page to enrol on both the Doctoral Colloquium and Conference. Registration for students is free.

Keynotes and panellists The conference program is still being finalised but we are pleased to announce a line-up of contributors that includes:

· David Abosch, Director, Cognition Cloud

· Dr Luciano Batista, Director, CEAS (Centre for Circular Economy and Advanced Sustainability), Aston University

· Anna Bright, Chief Executive, Sustainability West Midlands

· Daniel Bruce, Chief Executive, Transparency International UK

· Dr Gary Burke, Associate Professor, Marketing and Strategy, University of Bristol

· Nicky Conway, Senior Sustainability Manager at Severn Trent

· Steve Kenzie, Executive Director at UN Global Compact Network UK

· Professor Emerita Carole Parkes, Emerita Professor of Responsible Management & Leadership at the University of Winchester

· Professor Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas, Professor of Marketing and Sustainable Business at British School of Fashion, GCU London

· Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman of the Global Compact Foundation

· Haleh Moravej, Founder of MetMUnch and Senior Lecturer, Nutritional Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University

· Professor Maharaj Vijay Reddy, Deputy Head of the Department for Marketing, Birmingham City Business School

· Dr Victoria Vdovychenko, Policy advisor and associate professor, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

· Dr Alec Wersun, Associate Professor, GSBS Lead for the Common Good, Glasgow School for Business and Society

Watch out for upcoming communications with more about our keynotes and panellists!

Delegate Costs and other Practical Details

We hope to welcome as many members of the PRME community as possible to the conference. To help us achieve that, the Chapter Steering Committee is using funds from our Member Annual Contributions to maintain modest delegate fees. We are also very grateful to Aston Business School for sponsoring the drinks reception and conference dinner on Tuesday 27th June. Fees for delegates from Chapter member schools are £120 (in person) and £40 (online elements only). PhD and other students can attend free of charge. Other delegate fees are £180 (in person) and £50 (online elements only).

Aston offers accommodation options at an affordable price designed to keep the overall cost of attending manageable, but please note that preferential rates, including for the on-site Aston Conference Centre, will expire in mid-May so early bookings are strongly recommended. There are many other hotel accommodation options in the vicinity as well.

If you have questions while considering your participation, please contact Nathalie Ormrod ( for conference and all registration issues, or Rachel Welton ( for the doctoral colloquium.

We greatly look forward to seeing you all in June to mark our Tenth Anniversary Year. Please book soon!

Nathalie Ormrod, Conference Organiser, Aston Business School

Rachel Welton, Doctoral Colloquium Organiser

Jonathan Louw, Chair, PRME UKI Steering Committee



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