*THIS WEEK * Working Group Tour Sustainable Finance Friday 7 March 2025
1.00pm -2.15pm GMT
Working Group leads Megan Kashner (Northwestern University), Jaap Bos (Maastricht University), and Meeta Kothare (University of Texas at Austin) are all Steering Committee members of the Impact & Sustainable Finance Faculty Consortium which serves as the Working Group on Sustainable Finance for UNPRME.
These three professors will share information and insights about the membership-based group whose 400+ members represent over 235 universities across more than 40 countries. This group of colleagues is a sharing community of mutuality and collaboration. The group convenes annually at the end of June and in virtual meetings and sessions all year long with the goal of learning from and with one another so that each can improve and expand on instruction, pedagogy, research, and preparation of the next generations of leaders in sustainable finance. https://www.impactandsustainablefinance.org/
Please register in advance via the ZOOM REGISTRATION LINK
OUT NOW: PRME Global 2024 Annual Report

It has been a year to celebrate across the PRME chapters, and the publication of the annual report provides us with the perfect opportunity to reflect on this. So often, we are focused on driving progress forward that we forget to stop and take stock of the progress we have made.
Our PRME UK & Ireland Chapter has been spotlighted for, among other things, the exceptional work that is being undertaken to further develop the impact of the chapter via the local networks.
Alongside case studies of our own achievements, there are fascinating highlights from a number of other chapters. An absolute must read!
*Update* 2025 PRME UK & Ireland Chapter Annual Conference

Call for Submissions Now Open: PRME Chapter UK & Ireland Doctoral Colloquium
Are you a doctoral student or do you supervise one? The call for submissions for the 2025 PRME Chapter UK & Ireland Doctoral Colloquium (DC) is now open!
The DC aims to support doctoral researchers working to inform the knowledge base on the impact of the Seven Principles of PRME and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We invite contributions from doctoral students involved in all areas of research around responsible management and advancement of the UN SDGs.
The DC is a single-day event (invitation-only and limited places, following successful submission of an abstract). It takes place on Tuesday 17th June 2025, the day before the two-day PRME Chapter UK & Ireland Conference, hosted by Queen's Business School, Belfast, on 18th & 19th June 2025
.For more information, including details of the submission requirements, visit: www.unprme.org.uk/2025doctoralcolloquium. The deadline for abstract submissions is Monday 24th March 2025 at 5pm.
For any questions, please email Rachel Welton, the Doctoral Colloquium Chair at rachel.welton@ntu.ac.uk.
PRME Chapter UK & Ireland Conference 2025: Call for Submissions Open
With just two weeks to go, the countdown is on to the closing date for submissions for the 2025 PRME UK & Ireland Chapter Annual Conference!
Hosted by Queen's Business School, Belfast, the conference theme for 2025 is 'Partnering for Progress: Enhancing Collaboration, Building Communities, and Navigating Conflict to Accelerate Agenda 2030'.
The pre-conference programme on Tuesday 17 June 2025 will include a doctoral colloquium (see above) and RME focused writing retreat, followed by an optional social dinner. The main conference on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 June will showcase best practice in responsible management education.The closing date for submissions is Friday 28 February 2025 at 5pm.
For more information, including in relation to the various submission formats available, please visit: www.unprme.org.uk/2025-annual-conference.
*New* Call for Expressions of Interest to host the PRME UK and Ireland Regional Chapter Annual Conference in 2026
We are delighted to open the Call for Expressions of Interest to host the PRME UK and Ireland Regional Chapter Annual Conference in 2026! Our conferences are the highlight of the chapter calendar, offering opportunities to advance scholarship, enhance and share practice and build community amongst responsible management educators, researchers, industry practitioners and students.
For more details on what to expect, how to apply or who to talk too, please click here.
*Reminder* PRME Island of Ireland Local Network Event in March

‘Developing Responsible Management Education Focused Case Studies: A Masterclass with Dr Anupam Mehta’
Where: Online via Zoom
Join the PRME Island of Ireland (IoI) Local Network on Friday 28 March from 10am for a ‘Masterclass on Developing Responsible Management Education Focused Case Studies’ with Dr Anupam Mehta.
Dr Anupam Mehta is an Associate Professor in the Accounting Department at Birmingham Business School. Dr Mehta is an author of best-selling cases on Harvard Business Publishing. In addition, her case study writing work has been recognized with prestigious awards, including the Best Emerging Paper at the BAFA Accounting Education Special Interest Group Conference and selection as a winner of the 2022 Seed Funding Competition for Developing Innovative Pedagogies and Teaching Practices in PRME.
The masterclass aims to provide a comprehensive guide to crafting engaging teaching case studies.The session will cover the essential elements of case writing, with a particular emphasis on developing engaging, high-quality outputs addressing ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability within business.
In addition, it will draw attention to the PRME ‘Impactful Five’ (i5). By targeting five key characteristics of learning to integrate sustainability skills into business schools, the i5 pedagogy aims to train the next generation of leaders to shape a workforce of lifelong learners equipped with contemporary skills needed to address today’s sustainable development challenges.
To register, please click here.
For any questions, please email Laura Steele (laura.steele@qub.ac.uk) & Karen Neville (KarenNeville@ucc.ie), the PRME Island of Ireland Local Network Co-Leads.
NEW PRME UK & Ireland Working Group Tour

Milenko Gudić and Al Rosenbloom will introduce the Working Group on Anti Poverty, covering its community of researchers and management education curricular approaches to integrating poverty. They will be joined by UK and Ireland member Carole Parkes (previous PRME UKI Chair), an eminent author on responsible management education. This is the final leg of the Working Group Tour for 2024-25, and promises to be very special! Please see details of the previous Working Group Tours on the PRME UKI website.
Milenko GudićFounding Director, REFOMENT Consulting & Coaching, Belgrade, Serbia. UN PRME Anti-povertyWorking Group Founding Co-chair.
Founding and Managing Director (2000-2014) IMTA - International Management Teachers Academy.He was visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Economics University of Montenegro and UDG,Montenegro. Through the Economics Institute – Belgrade and as a consultant to internationalorganizations (OECD, UNDP, UNIDO, ICPE, CEEMAN) he led a number of large scale internationalresearch, educational, consulting and institution-building projects. Frequent guest speaker atbusiness schools and conferences worldwide. He was Program Chair of EURAM 2008 (Ljubljana, Bled,Slovenia), CEEMAN Executive Education Forum (Trieste, Italy 2009), Program Director of the PRMEGlobal Summit 2013 (Bled, Slovenia), and Program Co-chair of 12 Responsible ManagementEducation Research Conferences (2014-2025). Conducted global surveys, published articles and co-edited books on poverty, sustainability and the SDGs in business and management practice, and inmanagement education Received UN PRME Pioneer Award for Thought Leadership in TranslatingPRME into Practice (2017)
Al Rosenbloom is Professor Emeritus and was the first John and Jeanne Rowe DistinguishedProfessor at Dominican University, River Forest, IL, USA. His research interests include global branding, cross-cultural differences in decision making, marketing in countries with emerging and subsistence markets, the application of the case method in management education, and the challenge of integrating the topic of poverty into responsible management education learning and education. At Dominican University, he pioneered a short-term, intensive, field-based MBA study abroad program, leading several student cohorts to China, Kenya and South Africa. Al co-leads the Anti-Poverty Working Group, Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) and participates broadly within PRME. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Nepaland Bulgaria and was twice honored with the Teaching Excellence Award from Brennan Schoolof Business students.
Carole Parkes is an Emeritus Professor of Responsible Management and Leadership and hasboth a business and academic background (at Aston and Winchester). Carole has been achampion for the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) since itsinception in 2007. She is the former Chair of the PRME Chapter UK & Ireland, has been amember of the PRME Global Advisory Committee and worked at the PRME Secretariat inNew York as a Researcher in Residence. She is also a key member of the PRME Anti-Poverty Working Group. At the PRME 10th Anniversary Global Forum in 2017, Carolewas presented with a PRME Pioneer Award ‘for her leadership and commitment to thedevelopment of PRME’ and appointed a UN PRME Special Advisor for PRME Chaptersglobally. Carole is a Trustee of SOS (Students Organising for Sustainability), a Trustee forFircroft College (a residential college focused on social justice) and a former Board memberfor Business in the Community. She is also a journal and book author and editor, publishingon issues related to sustainability and social justice.
*REMINDER * United Nations Global Compact LEAP Programme

To register for LEAP click here. For further information please reach out to leap@oikos-international.org.
*REMINDER* 12th Responsible Management Education Research Conference

21 – 23 October 2025, Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Organizational Sciences,
University of Belgrade
Rethinking Growth and Exploring New Possibilities for a Regenerative World:
Unexplored Management Research and Education Areas that Reconnect Purpose to Responsible Business and Leadership
We are thrilled to invite you to the 12th Responsible Management Education Research Conference organized by the PRME Anti-Poverty Working Group, hosted by the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Organizational Sciences. The 12th RMER Conference will bring together educators, experts, innovators, government representatives, and other stakeholders to explore critical issues in responsible management education, with a special focus on addressing global challenges through innovative and sustainable practices.
For more information about the Conference, please check the Conference Home Page which will be regularly updated.
*Reminder * Webinar: Climate Coaching for Shaping Tomorrow by The Climate Coaching Alliance

When: 11th March 2025, 11:00am - 12:00pm
The PRME Working Group on Climate Change and Environment will host the Climate Coaching Alliance for a webinar on 'Climate Coaching for Shaping Tomorrow'.
The Climate Coaching Alliance is a global network of individuals committed to embedding sustainable practices into the coaching profession.
During this session, attendees will hear from experienced coaches including:
This webinar will equip educators with practical tools and approaches that can be embedded into their future work.
Register here to secure your spot.
Please follow us on LinkedIn and contact us at PRME@BCU.ac.uk with any news items and events that you would like us to share.