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July 2023: Open engagement opportunities and resources from the UN Global Compact UK Network availab

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

Dear Members of UKI PRME,

I am pleased to bring you open engagement opportunities and tools and resources from the UN Global Compact UK Network for you to share with your colleagues and networks.

UK Network Engagement Opportunities

Across two days, the UN Global Compact Network UK Summit will convene corporate, government, and civil society leaders to discuss how we can drive sustainability to ensure business success. Attendees will learn about best practices on various issues, including climate and nature, transformational governance, sustainable finance, supply chain resilience, SDG ambition, and more.

Day One will be hybrid, hosted in person at a central City of London venue, and Day Two hosted online.

Join us as we bring together diverse perspectives and foster meaningful dialogue to drive positive change for a sustainable future. Registrations will open soon, so please save the date!

The UK Network is pleased to announce their 2023 SDG Pioneers!

Named at the Annual General Meeting, Uzma Hamid-Dizier from Slaughter and May becomes the SDG Pioneer representing a large multinational company, and Solitaire Townsend from Futerra takes the place as SDG Pioneer representing an SME.

Both Uzma and Solitaire are exceptional business leaders who are using business as a force for good to deliver the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Read more about their work and the SDG Pioneer campaign here .

The SDG Flag Campaign is back! On 25 September it will be eight years since the world adopted the Sustainable Development Goals. Join a global movement working #TogetherForTheSDGs with our SDG Flag Campaign to raise awareness of the Goals and showcase your organisation’s contributions to the 2030 Agenda.

Quality Education (SDG 4) is an enabler of progress across the 2030 Agenda. Empowered learners can lead the way in eradicating poverty, reducing inequalities, combating climate change and protecting our natural environment. We want to showcase the role that Educators play in advancing the Goals, which is why we’re asking you to join this year’s SDG Flag Day.

To join, please visit the website here and order a beautiful SDG flag made from 100% recycled materials for only £45 (including VAT and UK postage). Along with the flag you will receive a communications toolkit with ideas and content to raise awareness of the work your organisation is doing to advance the SDGs and build momentum for the Goals in your community.

The deadline for orders is 28 August.

Businesses experience increased staff retention and morale, a boost in productivity and efficiency, and promotion and protection of their reputation when diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are considered in their occupational safety and health (OSH) agendas.

Health and wellbeing needs are not one size fits all and to champion diversity in the workplace, tailored support must be implemented throughout all business activity and policies. With support from International SOS, the UN Global Compact Network UK is launching a four-part webinar series which will support businesses to level up their OSH agendas and incorporate issues relating to mental health, gender, and disabilities.

The first webinar ‘Building on Traditional OSH Perspectives’ will be hosted on Wednesday, 13th September 14:00 – 15:30 BST

To learn more and register, please visit our website or contact Fernanda Cervantes, Project Manager – Social Sustainability.

Global Engagement Opportunities

The Ukraine Business Compact is a voluntary initiative that gives leading international businesses a platform to show their support for Ukraine’s recovery and its drive to modernise, build a resilient and agile economy, and emerge from conflict as a more prosperous European nation.

Signatories will join thousands of companies around the world supporting the reconstruction of Ukraine, by looking for opportunities, when the time is right, to engage in trade and investment, peer-to-peer expertise sharing, pro bono work, and business activities.

The Business Compact can be signed on the Ukraine Recovery Conference portal.

* Please note this initiative is not organised by the UN Global Compact Network UK.

The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a set of Principles offering guidance to business on how to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. Established by UN Women and UN Global Compact, the WEPs are informed by international labour and human rights standards and grounded in the recognition that businesses have a stake in, and a responsibility for, gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The WEPs platform offers the private sector a global network of like-minded companies and guidance on advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. Joining the community of 60+ WEPs signatories in the UK is straightforward; all that is needed is a CEO Statement of Support and the completion of a simple online application form.

* Please note this initiative is not organised by the UN Global Compact Network UK.

Tools and Resources

Purchase your own SDG pins! Spread awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and demonstrate your commitment to the agenda with SDG lapel pins. Each pin has 17 different colours, one for each of the SDGs. They can be ordered from our website here.

Find out what the dominant views of CEOs, business leaders, and UN executives are, and the progress being made within the corporate sustainability movement worldwide. With contributions made by more than 2,600 CEOs from 128 countries and 18 different industries, this latest report represents the largest survey undertaken since the start of the programme in 2007.

Download the report here.

UN Global Compact UK Network Members’ engagement opportunities

Become an advocate for change with a critical understanding of modern slavery, human trafficking, and exploitation in the contemporary world. Ideal for changemakers, this MA considers the appropriate strategies for change and support for survivors on a local and global level, equipping you with the necessary skills to pursue a rewarding career, impacting on societal change.

Find more information on the Keele University website. If interested, please contact Professor Bela Arora.

* Please note this initiative is not organised by the UN Global Compact Network UK.

Warm Regards,

Katie Lee

PRME/Global Compact Network UK Participant Engagement Intern



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