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UK and Ireland 2019 Responsible Business and Management Writing Competition

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

With prizes in every category and recognition across the sector for winners and their institutions

We are really pleased to bring you details of our Third Annual Responsible Business and Management Writing Competition. Once again this is brought to you by the PRME Chapter UK & Ireland in collaboration with the organisers at Oxford Brookes Business School.

Our first two years of the competition led to some impressive entries and prizewinners, whose work can be enjoyed here: 2016 Competition : 2017 Competition

This year's 2018/19 competition continues to focus on raising awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and of PRME's work to draw these into business school thinking across the UK and Ireland. In addition to our ongoing UG and PG essay based categories, this year we also introduce doctoral student and alternative media categories.

Please see full details in the attached flyer HERE

We would like this to reach all relevant colleagues as soon as possible, so recipients of this email are asked to please forward it to relevant subject, programme, course, unit and module leaders.

The competition in brief:

  1. The competition is open to three categories of participant - undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students.

  2. In addition to the essay/text based categories, this year we offer an experimental Alternative Media category open to students at all levels.

  3. It is open to a wide variety of disciplines - marketing, economics, accounting, leadership and management etc.

  4. It is designed to accept work already written by students i.e. it does not require specially written essays on a topic set by the organisers. But students can also devise their own writing topics in a relevant area, if they so wish.

  5. There are prizes in every category jointly sponsored by the Chapter and Oxford Brookes University

  6. You can use the competition to create local publicity for PRME and your related initiatives

  7. Entrants can be from PRME and non PRME signatory business schools - this competition is part of our outreach to the wider sector

We hope you will encourage your students and colleagues to participate. If you have any questions, just get in touch with Oxford Brookes via the details on the attached leaflet/poster or directly with me on

We look forward to being overwhelmed by all your entries by the deadline on 28th February 2019 !

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