Will be held on Tuesday September 11 at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis. We are delighted to be holding this event in collaboration with Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley and University of California, Davis. Register here The conference will showcase the latest evidence and insights, analyse trends and debate implementation strategies in responsible investment. It will offer academic delegates a unique opportunity to network with leading investors and to engage with the PRI’s Academic Network, a vibrant international community of nearly 4,000 academics and investment practitioners with a focus on ESG. Academic delegates are typically from RI-related disciplines, traversing finance and business, economics, management, sociology, and STEM subjects. The Call for Papers is open - apply by 2 April 2018 We encourage both theoretical and empirical contributions from diverse business, finance, and social science disciplines. Selected papers and the PRI Award for Outstanding Research for the best qualitative, quantitative and student papers will be presented. For more information click here. Submit a paper here
Topics will focus on the latest research on responsible investment practices in areas such as:
ESG performance
ESG integration and engagement
The role of responsible investment in meeting today’s investment challenges
Working to achieve a sustainable financial system
Connect with the Academic Network via the PRI Academic Network Online - a new platform that brings together academics and investors for dialogue and relationship building. The Academic Network Conference precedes PRI in Person 2018, taking place at the same venue between 12-14 September.