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June 19 to June 21 - 'Greener, Healthier, Fairer'

2024 Annual Conference, hosted online and on campus at the University of Exeter

2024 PRME UK and Ireland Chapter Annual Conference Report

From June 19th to 21st, 2024, the University of Exeter Business School hosted its award-winning annual conference, drawing together 93 PhD students, lecturers, academics, and sustainability industry leaders from across the UK and Ireland. Under the theme ‘Greener, Healthier, Fairer – How Business Schools Can Contribute to a Greener, Healthier, and Fairer Society’, the event sparked vibrant discussions and collaborations aimed at driving responsible management education.


The conference kicked off with a Doctoral Colloquium, where thirteen PhD and DBA students showcased their research and gained valuable feedback. This platform not only enhanced their academic and professional skills but also fostered a supportive research community focused on sustainability.


Over the next two days, attendees immersed themselves in thought-provoking keynotes, in-depth discussions, and interactive workshops centred around the 'Greener, Healthier, and Fairer' conference theme.


The first day delved into themes of circular economy, digital equity, and the work of PRME UK and Ireland's Local Networks, capped by a lively conference dinner. On the final day, the focus shifted to the impact of healthy eating and the role of humanities in business education, culminating in an inspiring reflection from the chapter chair.


To find out more about the conference, you can find a detailed conference report and trailer video in this site.


We look forward to welcoming you to our 2025 Annual Conference from June 17 to 19 at Queen's University Belfast!


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