The PRME Chapter UK and Ireland is delighted to announce the winners of its first Responsible Business and Management Writing Competition. Designed to highlight and celebrate the range and quality of student writing in this domain, the competition has provided vivid evidence of growing engagement with sustainability, ethics and related subjects across the business school sector.
The undergraduate competition winner is Helen Mullen of Kent Business School, who impressed judges with her perspectives on how environmentally sustainable management approaches might contribute to Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.
Outlining the reasons for awarding her the top prize, Professor Carole Parkes, Chair of the UG Judging Panel and Chair of the PRME Chapter UK and Ireland, commented
“This essay demonstrated a critical approach to the subject. It was well argued, used good examples to support the points made and, importantly, really engaged the reader”.
Second and third prize winners were Emma Gaskill of Salford Business School and Thea Aursnes of Royal Holloway, University of London.
The winner of the first prize in the postgraduate category is Eilidh Finlayson of the Glasgow School for Business and Society, for her exploration of commercialisation in the microfinance industry and how this has impacted on responsible management practices. Commenting on her winning qualities, Professor Peter Stokes, Chair of the PG Panel, said
“Eilidh developed a compelling and valuable examination of the challenges for responsible management of commercialisation in micro-finance - a powerful and convincing account on this important topic”.
Second and third prize winners were Caroline Johnson of Winchester Business School and Lynette Nabbosa, also of the Glasgow School for Business and Society.
On behalf of the organisers, Chris Blackburn, Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Oxford Brookes Business School, congratulated both prize winners and other finalists on the quality of their writing. He also added,
“To all the entrants and all the universities that have encouraged their students to take part, your determination to bring Responsible Management Education and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to the centre of your endeavours has been truly impressive. We look forward to building on this competition in future years to ensure that we continue to support the United Nations PRME initiative in ways that nurture the student voice and recognise the committed teaching that makes this possible”.
Any enquiries about the results or the second competition planned for 2017/18 can be directed to Jonathan Louw at jlouw@brookes.ac.uk.
Postgraduate Category
First Prize Eilidh Finlayson Glasgow School for Business and Society - Download her essay here
Second Prize Caroline Johnson Winchester Business School - Download her essay here
Third Prize Lynette Nabbosa Glasgow School for Business and Society - Download her essay here
Other Finalists Andrew Clegg, Fiona Jarvis, Elena Magli, Nikolas Papachristoforou, Mehak Shafiq, Emma Sutton, Tung Dao,
Undergraduate Category
First Prize Helen Mullen Kent Business School - Download her essay here
Second Prize Emma Gaskill Salford Business School - Download her essay here
Third Prize Thea Aursnes Royal Holloway, University of London - Download her essay here
Other Finalists George Carey, Samuel Da Silva, Zeyad Golita, George Kennedy, Otilia Marinescu, Chloe Osborne, Maike Ostermann
Postgraduate Panel
Professor Peter Stokes Leicester Castle Business School (De Montfort University) (Chair)
Dr Christine Gilligan Sheffield Hallam University
Matthew Gitsham Hult International Business School
Undergraduate Panel
Professor Carole Parkes University of Winchester (Chair)
Dr Paul Cashian Coventry University
Dr Anja Schaefer Open University